The company

Our Story

Catersave Europe was founded in 2006 with its main aim to bring time and money saving innovations to the hospitality industry. Since 2006, Catersave has developed cutlery and glass polishers that are unmatched in the industry.

Catersave Europe has become the leading supplier of Cutlery and Glass polishers across the United Kingdom with a strong focus on customer satisfaction and service.

Our machines have been carefully designed to fit any restaurant or kitchen, allowing every venue to possess these remarkable time saving machines.

The company

Our Understanding

We understand the vitality of consistency within the hospitality community. This is why we pride ourselves on our servicing and machine quality. Our customers can rest assured that Catersave Europe will have their back in any circumstance that arises. For example, during the lockdowns we froze all of our rental accounts without hesitation.

As in our mission statement, we want to help the industry as much as possible. Our fleet of engineers are on standby to support our customers and make sure their machines are working at all times.

Customer Focused

Our Service

Cutlery polishers need to have their granulate changed every two months, whether you rent or purchase a machine from us we will endeavour to make sure the machines are always in perfect condition. 

We also pride ourselves on our training and demonstrations, whether you are a new or existing customer our demonstrators are always willing to come into the restaurant and demonstrate to staff how to use our machines.

Our rental customers are offered a 6 weekly service of the machine, and for our customers with large service ours we increase our servicing to every 4 weeks if needed. 

Customer Focused

Our Belief

We offer our customers warranties on all of our machines as we have total faith in their ability to last longer than any other on the market. We also have huge belief in our products, and always offer a free weeks trial with any of our machines.

This way our future customers can have total reassurance that before they purchase or rent a machine they will know for certain the time and money potential that these machines offer.

Customer Focused

Our Focus

Our mission is to save the hospitality industry time and money by supplying the best innovative machines on the market, whilst making sure all of our customers are supported with perfectly working equipment.

We are committed to elevating the hospitality industry by bringing time and money saving equipment that is focused on relieving staff members of mundane and timely tasks. Innovating our machines to the point of total efficiency, strength and quality.